UAV or Drone Services


UAV/Drone Services

Wingfield has refined our techniques and services to assist you to fit your needs. By offering data capture services, post processing capabilities, or rental programs we can help find the best solution for your site or project.

Related Case Studies

Stockpile Yard Example

Point clouds from LiDAR and rendered surfaces used for volume calculation. If the site has tunnels and feeders these can be modeled to provide more exact volume measurements as the stockpiles change over time.


Stockpile Surface Example

A stockpile yard at a port scanned and processed, the rendered surfaces ready for volumetric modeling. Point cloud data can be created from UAV / Drone and combined with LiDAR data.


Autonomous UAV LiDAR Scanning

Autonomous UAV LiDAR Scanning

This UAV can be manually or autonomously flown to map areas that are inaccessible or lack the structural integrity for safe entry. It is commonly used for stopes and voids, failing and older or abandoned working areas, and for basic inspection.


UAV / Drone Specific Work (LiDAR & Photogrammetry)

UAV / Drone Specific Work (LiDAR & Photogrammetry)

Ensuring large projects such as stripping/overburden projects are captured accurately is extremely important. With access to LiDAR & photogrammetry platforms and post processing abilities for both Wingfield can custom tailor the data capture.


UAV/Drone Photogrammetry Post Processing & Upload Service

UAV/Drone Photogrammetry Post Processing & Upload Service

Using a UAV/Drone but don’t have the time to complete post processing? Upload your images and ground control points to Wingfield. We will recommend best practices, validate the uploaded data, and and and ensure post processing is completed accurately.


UAV Post Processing Video Example

An example of Pix4D photogrammetry processing. Starting the process from receiving the images from the client we will render and check the data for consistency and issue the reports and deliverables as required by the client.


Point Cloud Data of Collapsed Inaccessible Tunnel

Point Cloud Data of Collapsed Inaccessible Tunnel

This point cloud data was captured using Autonomous UAV LiDAR to be used for rehabilitation project analysis in a partially collapsed rail tunnel.


UAV / Drone Platforms

UAV / Drone Platforms

Various types of UAV / Drone systems that can be equipped with photogrammetry or LiDAR are available for a variety of projects. We understand the strengths and weaknesses of each platform and technology, so we can use the right tool for each job we do.


Autonomous LiDAR UAV/Drone

Using our Autonomous UAV/Drone to examine abandoned mine travel-ways allowed our client to understand and mitigate hazard before exposing men and machines. The video-LiDAR displayed critical, otherwise inaccessible data available to decision makers.


Interested in learning how Wingfield can help your business?
Schedule a conversation with a Wingfield specialist!


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or call 423-698-0100

Wingfield helped us overcome some problems and obstacles we had and didn’t flinch. It’s refreshing to see someone take that on. They see the bigger picture.