Battery-powered touchscreen counting scale rental by Wingfield Scale, featuring an easy-to-use interface for precise inventory management without power cords


Effective Counting Scales For Inventories

We know no one loves to do inventory. That’s why we make it easy and stress free. Imagine an audit-friendly process that will help you avoid costly errors and downtime, so you can do inventory faster and better.

Get Wireless Counting Scales For Your Inventory With Easy Touch Screen Technology

  • Complete Flexibility – 90% of our counting scales for inventory are battery-powered, so you can work anywhere without the need for power outlets up to 8 hours at a time.
  • Safe and Organized – Eliminate extension cords that clutter your workspace and pose trip hazards.
  • Wingfield’s touch screen makes counting even easier. Drop it in the hands of a new hire, and they’ll be counting accurately in minutes.

Efficient inventory management is important for accuracy and reducing costs. Learn more about the benefits and methods of effective inventory management on Coursera.

Inventory Scales Trusted By Leading Brands For Over 87 years:

Trusted by Leading Brands: Logos of notable companies we've worked with, including NASA, Volkswagen, Mars, GE, Bosch, SpaceX, Whirlpool, Sanofi, Koch Foods, and Graymont

Related Case Studies

TWCS Touchscreen Counting Scale

We are very proud of our internally developed precision color touch screen counting scale for many reasons. It’s user-friendly with the largest color display in the industry with a self-prompting counting process and optional Bluetooth capability.


Simplify Your Inventory Management with Allcount

Wingfield Scale developed AllCount, an innovative app to revolutionize the way to perform your API. No more handwritten tags or waiting to audit, No more lost tags or searching for part numbers! Cut the time it takes to do PI in half with AllCount.


Shed / Barn Stockpile Example

Material storage enclosure scanned and processed, every material shed or barn presents a unique survey challenge. Custom structural surfaces can be modeled in these areas allowing consistent, repeatable measurements with each measurement.


Stockpile Yard Example

Point clouds from LiDAR and rendered surfaces used for volume calculation. If the site has tunnels and feeders these can be modeled to provide more exact volume measurements as the stockpiles change over time.


Stockpile Surface Example

A stockpile yard at a port scanned and processed, the rendered surfaces ready for volumetric modeling. Point cloud data can be created from UAV / Drone and combined with LiDAR data.


UAV/Drone Photogrammetry Post Processing & Upload Service

Using a UAV/Drone but don’t have the time to complete post processing? Upload your images and ground control points to Wingfield. We will recommend best practices, validate the uploaded data, and and and ensure post processing is completed accurately.


UAV Post Processing Video Example

An example of Pix4D photogrammetry processing. Starting the process from receiving the images from the client we will render and check the data for consistency and issue the reports and deliverables as required by the client.


Shed & Barn Stockpile Inventories

Repeatable and high accuracy data is required for scanning inside sheds and stockpiles. With normally less than ideal environments, we are experienced with capturing and rendering consistent results safely.


Stockpile Inventories

Inventory is the core of our department and continues to be updated and refined as technology advances. We complete stockpile inventories for various clients with different needs from UAV only, none flight zones, sheds, and underground inventory.


Interested in learning how Wingfield can help your business?
Schedule a conversation with a Wingfield specialist!


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or call 423-698-0100

Wingfield helped us overcome some problems and obstacles we had and didn’t flinch. It’s refreshing to see someone take that on. They see the bigger picture.