Underground Structure Scanning

Underground Structure Scanning

With the ability to scan and map with high resolution gives Wingfield expertise in structure scanning not only on the surface but underground. Making upgrades to structures or creating blueprints that can be accessed anywhere saves time and money.

Mill Building Example

Mill Building Example

Scanning large structures that have been in place for years with little to no documentation is ideal to digitally see and take measurements.

Headframe Structural Example

Headframe Structural Example

If a structure is being rehabbed or being upgraded and there is limited access on a daily basis. Scanning the structure can be valuable for contractors to check measurements without going to site or stopping production.

Hoist House Example

Hoist House Example

Documenting the locations of equipment and the placement of new equipment can make projects faster and more efficient when it is checked and planned digitally.

Underground Crane Example

Underground Crane Example

Planning upgrades for underground but need to be sending information to contractors on placement of equipment or measurements? Digital twins allow you take measurements in software and avoid the cage ride to check on a measurement.

Forge/Factory Example

Forge/Factory Example

No time to stop production, no problem. Data can be captured as production is happening is most situations, dynamic LiDAR speeds up the data capture process immensely.

Clearance Checks Examples

Clearance Checks Examples

Bringing in new equipment or moving a large piece through a facility. We can help with clearance checks by scanning the structures in the surrounding areas. Data can later be used for additional checks and reference for other projects.

Structure Silos

Planning on expanding existing structures, reroute conduits and piping? Have the facility scanned to better plan and prepare for a quick project, silos were scanned at this facility from the ground level and the upper level to ensure proper planning.

Factories and Forges

Factories built years ago have undergone many changes and upgrades, documenting these changes, and checking clearances for new equipment can save time and money by having a digital model to reference and measure.